Tuesday, February 5, 2013


So I have started a new blog where I will be tracking all the haps of being a work from home mom in Colorado. You can read our updates there....


Hope to see you soon!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Where does the time go?

So wow, time flies when you work two jobs, live with your parents, are raising a toddler and are building a house several states away. I can't believe the last time I sat down to update no one what we are up to. Here I am in the end of April. Let's see, lot's of updates. Louis is officially on the mend having been on a long road to recovery after back surgery, physical dependency on pain meds and not being able to exercise. YIPEE! Let's just say, poor guy has had it rough. In 2 years, he hasn't been able to really get out and swim, bike or run. I can't imagine what that would be like but I am so happy- as is he I'm sure- that he is off meds, starting to exercise and hopefully feel like himself again.

Now Luci, is seriously the most amazing thing. I know, I know.. I'm her mom. Of course I think this way right? But really... we are so lucky. Her biggest challenge for us parents is she doesn't like taking naps that much. What 2 year old does? So the little stinker stays in her bed and plays for a few hours- GASP!. The rest of the time, is so fun. She loves her coloring books, wakes up wanting to "watch mickey" and is proving to be a little bit of a thinker. She is talking more and more every day and the stuff she comes up with is hilarious. My personal favorite right now.."Luci Bednar, soccer girl". Thanks to Papa who brings her to soccer on Wednesday's. The other day my mom and I went to SF to do some house shopping so I was gone all day- a very rare occasion- and when I came home I told Luci "Mommy missed you". This morning after I went to her room to get her, she hugs me and then she pushes back and smiles and says, "i missed mommy". melt my already mushy heart. Love that girl.

My biggest challenge as of late is managing the "work from home" wardrobe... basically, which sweats / pj's are on the agenda today? Seriously, working from home has its advantages but there has got to be a way to not be such a slob. I'm sure a mom out there somewhere has mastered the art of looking chic while working from a home office and raising kids. If you know her, please give me her contact info. Today, I actually forgot to brush my teeth. It's reaching emergency intervention time.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A ilttle snow

So we packed up our house and hit the road to northern california on Jan 28th. After a quick 5 days of settling in, it was off to Denver to pick all the interior elements for our new home. We were so tired still from the move and not really looking forward to the trip but made the best of it. We missed the coldest day that Co had had in 15 years bu 2 days. We arrived to a balmy 24 degrees and a snow storm. Honestly, it freaked me out a bit about moving there in a few months. By the next day, pick out our floors, cabinets, tile etc.. I started to get into it again. Luci was a little off her game having had her first real injury the day before we left which resulted in stitches so it was a bit stressful overall.

One thing I know for sure now, is I am totally getting a Tahoe. Our rental car was the total bomb. I was a passenger which was tough but man that car was amazing in the snow. Luci looks like a little creampuff in her jacket and it was just too cute.

What is so nuts about Colorado weather is how one minute its a little chilly and then bam- an hour later - full fledged snow storm. Check out my before and after from the same parking lot!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


LIfe is hard sometimes. Doesn't it always seem like when life throws you a curve ball about 10 others seem to come at you from other directions all at the same time? I'm sitting in Santa Rosa in what will be mine and Louis's bedroom come next week and I'm tired and sad. My grandpa is sick and in the hospital and its been a very stressful week. He was admitted 11 days ago with a serious infection in his gallbladder and he isn't srong enough to survive a surgery where they would remove it. And so the doctor's are trying to treat the infection with antibiotics. It's unknown if this will work. We got the call yesterday am from my aunt saying we didn't have much time and we needed to come be with Grandpa. My mom and I and my dad rushed to get there ( my mom was at my house helping me pack and my dad was in PA for work). we got my mom on the first flight out and I met my dad at 8 pm in SFo so he didn't have to drive alone. We went right to the hospital. Grandpa was sleeping but the nurse woke him and we got a minute or two with him seeing us and saying a few mumbles before going to sleep.I knew one day in the near future we would come face to face with grandpa maybe reaching the end of his life, but you just never know when. For us, it is happening the week that we are packing our entire house and planning on moving. Oh and I am 2 weeks into another new job. I left Luci and Louis (its hard being away from them)to rush to see grandpa and I am so glad I did. I had some wonderful moments with grandpa today. In fact once he woke up and was coherint and joking he probably spoke more than he has in a long time! Nana is such the chatterbox that he usually sits silently and listens and smiles.

I am getting into bed and then tomorrow Mom and I are going back to pack the house and jump in the moving truck and drive back to Santa Rosa next week. Somewhere in all this, I will be saying goodbye to the friends I have made over the past 10 years.

Like I said, sometime life it tough. But in the end, we will be starting a new life as a family and that can only mean good things to come.

Friday, January 14, 2011

A new year.... again

So it seems that every year around January or February I have a renewed interest in blogging. You will notice my last post in Jan 2008... here we are in Jan 2011 and I'm ready to blog again. The sad part is, the last three years have been incredibly eventful and I didn't write about them at all. Maybe a short paragraph to get you up to speed:
2008- Got married
2009- Had a beautiful baby girl
2010- Went back to work; Louis had spine surgery; Bought a house... in Colorado

So, as you can see, we still have some exciting times ahead that should make for some good material. As I prepare to leave Southern California- trading my ocean views for snowy (sometimes) mountain views, I have waves of sadness mixed with the waves of happiness. I have had a wonderful 10 years here and it is hard to believe how much has happened in this past decade.

I've always had a bit of an adventure streak in me so here we go again... off to explore new pastures. We look at it this way, by leaving california we will be able to save so much more money then we can living in CA that we can visit the beach several times a year... So anything that enables me to vacation more I'm totally up for. Colorado here we come!

Monday, February 18, 2008

A New Year

So here we are heading into March which means Ironman is around the corner! Louis is in his final prep mode with just 7 weeks away to the big day. In January, Louis and I went to Santa Rosa to tour potential wedding sites and had a great action packed weekend with the folks. Now who could have known that the worst storm of the year would hit the night I was supposed to fly up. We had a great time, selected our site and thus I've been planning the wedding. I also just got back running again after a long drawn out sinus infection and bronchitis. I am happy to report I have taken on a new marathon training program. I'm looking foward to a busy, fun filled year. We will have lots to photograph and share this year. Here are some of the latest photos....

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Christmas in Santa Rosa

Louis I and spent the holiday up north in freezing Santa Rosa. It was a great holiday! Louis proposed on Christmas Eve! You'll see our first photo as officially betrothed on the deck of my folks house. My dad got a new bike, my mom made beautiful necklaces for all the ladies in the family complete with pearls from our Great Grandma's set of pearls... what a sentimental holiday. 2008 will be very busy!